ESPN is partnering with the National Basketball Association and ESPN’s The Undefeated in a campaign to support Black-owned businesses during the 2020 NBA Finals. The campaign is titled #ChampionBlackBusinesses. Champion Black Businesses’ initiative is to raise awareness and elevate all entrepreneurs of color and to give them a platform for their voices to be heard.
ESPN is utilizing their platform to share the stories of Black businesses in the hometowns of the Western and Eastern Conference champions, the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heats.
Usually during the NBA finals majority of the local businesses in the area thrive tremendously. Due to the pandemic, there isn’t foot traffic with many businesses being closed and the NBA being virtual.
This opportunity will create greater economic opportunity and equity in the Black community. To provide additional nationwide exposure to additional Black-owned businesses, fans can use #ChampionBlackBusinesses hashtag to shout out their favorite Black-owned business.
Throughout the NBA finals, there will be a highlight shown from each city every thirty seconds on their social media pages. When the buzzer sounds in the last game of the seventh game, the network will debut the film spotlighting the businesses from the winning city on air at the conclusion of the championship series.
Shortly after the finals, The Undefeated will provide a list of other Black-owned businesses from each city to drive traffic to their places of business.
Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban and FUBU founder, Daymond John, who are both co-hosts of the popular TV series “Shark Tank,” will serve as mentors to the winning business.
For more information, visit: http://www.theundefeated.com/championblackbusinesses