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PWIs v. HBCUs “The Great Debate of PWIs v HBCUs”

There has been a great debate to see where students should get their education whether it is an HBCU or a PWI. HBCUs are Historically Black Universities and PWIs are Predominantly White Institutions that has become a huge debate in today’s culture. HBCUs were created to make sure future generations were educated with a college education to improve the African-American community in the United States. The most preconceived notion related to attending an HBCUs is that HBCUs were created only for African Americans but that’s not true. They invite all ethnicities to get a chance to thrive. I have graduated from a PWI and had a great experience. There was a time where I knew what an HBCU was but never understood the meaning of the culture and the traditions of HBCUs. It didn’t matter if someone went to a PWI or a HBCU in my mind because that was the path they chose to elevate their education. Personally, my experience was great at Auburn University. Were there bad times? Of course. The thing about black students choosing to go to a PWI is there is always history to be made where Auburn has recently elected their first black female SGA president.

I had friends at Tuskegee and they loved it, and never judged me on my school of choice and I never judged them. It was the education at the end of the day that we were all receiving at the end of the day. HBCUs experiences are one of a kind. Looking on from the outside, I see the culture is prevalent for today. They stand by each other as a whole, the closest most PWIs learn about culture is through the many organizations provided on campus. Being an alumna of Auburn University, I have experienced the many traditions of rolling Tillman’s Corner after a victory and the eagle blessing the field before football games Black Student Unions is one of the many organizations for mainly African Americans at a PWI to express their opinion or learn about the community and culture. You don't see HBCUs coming together at an organization like BSUs because they all stand as one. PWIs are grouped so their beliefs are divided. The fact still remains that many HBCUs actually have a more diverse population than most PWIs due to PWIs and many organizations dividing students.

This great debate will forever continue; as long as an individual receives the education they want and have a great experience. We all should feel comfortable through the journey no matter if it is a PWI or HBCU of whatever college we feel comfortable going to and will get the education you long for. Overall, Black Excellence is created no matter where an individual receives an education.

Written by @_kiaradesirai



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